Roses offers a wide cultural during the autumn months. All plays offer varied theater scene. Of the fact that the pieces are organized directly by the city, are the shows available at reasonable prices.

By the end of the year the programming includes the following shows: Histèria Sagrada, with Toni Albà und Fermí Fernandes; Temps, with Quim Masferrer and Penso en Yu, de Carole Fréchette, with Mar Ulldemolins, Fina Rius und Pep Ferrer. There are also children’s shows and musicals, Christmas charity concerts, Non Stop Gospel, els Pastorets and números christmas concerts.

Tickets for Temps y Penso en Yu 12 € and Histèria Sagrada 15 € costs. On the other hand, there are numerous concerts for free or family events from 5 €.

Check all the events calendar and prices.

Tickets: The tickets for events from the town of Roses are available at the box office from theater. The cards are available from 5 November, every Thursday and Friday from 12 until 14 clock or on the same day, one hour, before the show.

Discounts: you will get discounts with the card board, card Carnet Jove and the Library card.

Free admission: for all persons under 16 years (always accompanied by an adult) and for all Catalan students.

Treat yourself with a short break and enjoy the cultural experience that offers our city.