This week we will live the shortest night and the longest day of the year! Come to Roses to spend the festival of San Juan, one of the most magical nights and welcome the summer! Stay at and participate in the party!

This Saturday, from 9pm get ready for a view of the fires from the castle of La Trinidad with guided tour at night, glass of cava and coca from San Juan. The visit will be in Catalan, Spanish and French. Prior reservation is required at 972.15.14.66 or At 9:30 p.m. the arrival of the Canigó Flame is scheduled for Plaça Catalunya. At 22:00 we will light the fire of San Juan in the breakwaters of the Riera Ginjolers and, also from this hour there will be a dance with Bona Armonía Duet, in charge of the SUF, in the Cultural Space of the Ciutadella.

Some establishments of Roses have prepared their particular verbena, with gastronomic proposals, music, dance, etc. The night of the festival is young! Come and live it in Roses!